Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why Barack Obama for President?

As a volunteer for the Barack Obama for President campaign, I often get asked "Why Barack?".

Here's a simple answer: CHANGE

If you're tired of Washington politics as usual, the he-said, she-said, tit-for-tat, back and forth, constant rehashing of old grudges, from an all-talk-no-action leadership, here is your chance to start fresh.

What better way to send a message to your fellow Americans and the world that you are serious about change than to vote for an intelligent, straight talking leader who has demonstrated the courage of his convictions by taking tough stands (against the Iraq War) when the political winds where against him, and proven his ability to work across party lines throughout his career in both the Illinois Senate and the US Senate.

All I'm asking is that you keep an open mind and tune in to hear what Senator Obama has to say and ask yourself if our country could use an infusion of new ideas and leadership or if we want more of the same?

I hope you'll join me in voting for a fresh start.

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